Your Saturday Baseball Post

It’s an official summer Saturday, they’re winding down; as always we put the flag at half mass on this blog on the best day of the week in honor of the greatest sport on this earth. We will continue this time honored tradition as long as we keep this site going.

As for our non-exciting little morning: bible study, gym, car wash, and now I’m watching Jack of all Trades on Netflix. If I’m lucky my kids will let me drift off to sleep before going to the zoo. Then, my day of fathering is done; and I’ll watch some baseball. I might scribe on a few things like the New York Mets who are ON FIRE or the Dodgers that aren’t hitting enough.

Our 1980’s song of the week that should be played on a ballpark loudspeaker nearest you is by Slick Rick Springfield, it’s a winner.

So go and enjoy your Saturday, be blessed. Thank you for your continued support of Diamond Hoggers.