Chicago Dogs will be a popular eat at Great American all summer

So yesterday we noticed there was a new concession stand at Great American Ball Park and we’re excited enough about it to devote a whole post of it’s own to the cause. Now being served at GABP in Cincinnati are Chicago style hot dogs. We know what the power minds are thinking at Great American. They big red smokey has always been the most popular dog in Cincinnati’s ballpark, even surpassing the home grown fixture Skyline Cheese coneys. The reason is because you can get all kinds of vegtables thrown on top of it and it still tastes decent. Combine that with the fact that we’re in a recession and these Chicago Dogs are known as a “Depression Sandwich”, and you’ve got a recipe for sales success.

The colors caught our eye right off the bat. Look at all that shit. We asked what the bright green stuff was. We were told that it was spicy relish. And while we didn’t get a dog yesterday, our buddy said that the spicy relish was the best touch. We have sinced learn through our research that this substance is known as a dyed neon green variety called “Nuclear Relish”

They also pile on a variety of other garbage vegtables. This process is known as “dragging through the garden”. We love it! We just love it! Jalapenos, tomatoes, pickles, onions, all on a sesame seed bun! It’s all there! You better go out and get one today!