This is your Diamond Hoggers Memorial Day post

There’s something that makes baseball and Memorial Day go together like Bobby Cox and domestic abuse/verbally insulting his old lady. Outside my home here, it’s probably the most beautiful day of the year so far. On the beack in New Jersey, where I missed out on going for the second year in a row; the jersey girls lay. The Spring Lake 5 was ran.

But the bottom line why I’m talking about the Memorial Day holiday on a baseball blog; is because baseball is the fiber of America’s heart and soul, and it’s about to get good. We’re just now to the appetizer, and before today we were just ordering and having sips of our drinks. Of course 4th of July would be the main course, but this is one of our favorite.

There’s a buzz in the air. The kids are getting ready to get out of school. Ballparks will be full and cookouts will become the norm. It’s a great weekend to have a Johnsonville Bratwurst soaked in budweiser and drowned in mustard if you’ve never done so. Shit, it’s a great weekend to see if you can have 4 of them.

And not to forget what’s important here. The men who have died so we can have the freedoms to worry about what time we’re getting off work so we can make it to the parking garage 3 hours before first pitch so we can chug a few tall ones. Baseball does a wonderful job of honoring the tradition of our American Pride. The two complement eachother quite well. Men gave up their life so we can have a catch with our boy, or brother, or best friend. Men died for a flag and a cause; so we could sit outside this weekend and listen to Bob Marley and talk about how badly Bronson Arroyo threw. Now that’s all pretty deep, and it’s amazing.

Summer is here for 4 long months. For 4 long months you will not loathe getting up early as much. The pool is open at my place for anyone that wants to come, just promise to pick up your shit when you leave. And no pissing in it unless it’s me.

So this weekend when you’re enjoying the perfect breeze and rays, the taste of that dog, or a Lance Berkman line drive; just remember who we owe it all to other than the big man upstairs.

Happy (and Safe) Memorial Day from Diamond Hoggers.