One week from today

One week from today, all that is good in the sports world is upon us. Opening day in Cincinnati. For one day, everyone is in first place. It’s the one day of the year that can be considered a true informal national holiday. Many kids I am sure are allotted the day off from school (afterall it’s always a monday, so it’s just a long weekend mom and dad), to head to the ballpark and cheer on their team.

Above is a picture from my seats that I took with my Motorola Razor Phone. This was the festivities that preluded President Bush throwing out the first pitch in Cincinnati. It was an honor to have our President on hand for that moment. Although the Reds got their ass spanked by the Cubbies, it was a special day and one week from right now (I can’t live that long, can I?), we’ll be into baseball season.

Read more: A baseball fan recaps his ’06 Opening Day in Cincinnati.